Monday, October 24, 2011


people think that they deserve special treatment all the time, and it makes me crazy.

case in point:

we get a GSW patient from the OR...should have known it was going to be a disaster when the PACU nurse said that she had 30 family members in the waiting room. (for the record, THIS IS NOT OK!! you have no business having three dozen people in your room. this is a hospital, not a club.) so the family comes up and for awhile everything was just fine. i was running back and forth through the nurses' station when i saw one of the family members barfing into our garbage can...and by that i mean on the floor, on the secretary's desk, and on the paper shredder. i actually gave this woman the benefit of the doubt...figured maybe she had gotten all emotional and got sick. so i got towels and some bleach wipes and attempted not to gag as we tried to clean up the food chunks off the floor. (ok, so when you come to the hospital, YOU ARE NOT THE PATIENT. i do not owe you buckets to barf in. i am not getting paid to clean up your puke. and i certainly do NOT think it's ok for your to throw up on our carpet and then blame it on us because "that aide didn't bring my bucket fast enough.)

we came to a consensus: sick visitor needs to go home. so our charge nurse approached her and gently suggested that she leave. the visitor was quick to say that she wasn't sick, she was have a procedure tomorrow and was taking a bowel prep that make her throw up. (oh dear, there are so many things wrong with this....first of all, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? bowel preps make you poop your brains out. go home and sit in your bathroom like a normal person. who goes to the hospital swinging their bottle of golytely around? it's just freakish.) the RN still thought that she should go home, but the visitor was not receptive to this and started yelling that we would have to throw her out. (to which i say...ok!!) the charge nurse was getting nowhere with this woman so she just walked away.

i'm going about my business doing meds in the front hall when the barfy visitor and her family posse walk by. she's talking loudly about how "that nurse think she all hard" and i knew we were going to have a problem. as the family walked by, a male visitor got right up in the charge nurse's personal space as she was talking on a hall phone. he sniffed really loud like he was going to spit at her. the woman visitor took this opportunity to throw the barf bucket at the nurse's feet and says "i don't need this anymore". (oh NO YOU DID NOT JUST. first of all, intimidation and harassment, much? and don't you dare think for one minute that i'm going to put up with that just because i'm at work. you DO NOT get to treat people that way, you WILL NOT get away with that behavior, and i WILL call security and the sheriff on you and laugh gleefully as they take you away).

well the RN handled things much as i would have and, shall we say 'deflected' the bucket back at this lady. the visitor picks up the bucket and raises it above her head to throw at the nurse...and i just snapped. i charged down the hallway waving my finger at this woman and yelling "you do NOT throw things!! put that down, this is a hospital!!". the woman and family quickly began to blame things on the nurse, calling her unprofessional and going on and on about how they were going to report us. things were escalating quickly, so i called security. the woman is standing in the middle of the hall yelling "call them, i stand right here...I'LL STAND RIGHT HERE" while throwing her purse at a family member so she can "beat your MFing asses". i'm trying to hold back the nurse who's not backing down, and stepped between the visitor and the nurse, basically just waiting for someone to start ripping hair out. by this time i'm yelling "get out. go. GO!!" at these people and now more of my coworkers are coming down and trying to get both of us to walk away. security finally came up and carted the visitor away. i then had to type up a written statement of the incident. as livid as i was, i ranted for awhile and then just finally sat in the back room and cried until i felt better.

so let me recap:

this is all the hospital's fault because we didn't get the visitor her bucket in time so she had to throw up on the floor. it's her right to be here as a visitor and demand nursing care, hospital supplies, as well and gum and mints from all of us. since she didn't want to go home she can yell and scream at people so she'll get her way. When that doesn't work, she can have her family members intimidate staff and then throw things at them. When that is not well received, she can scream in the middle of the hall and disturb sick people who are trying to rest. to get her point across she can call names and threaten staff. she's not finished until she's carried away by the sheriff and given a ticket for being "disorderly" that she will probably never pay. and as the real punishment for all of this, she isn't allowed to visit for 24 hours...but don't worry, she CAN come back!! because after all, visitor's have rights.

it's apparently just the nurse's who don't.

i'm WAY over these selfish, entitled, hateful people.

the visitor in question called to lodge a complaint against us. then we had to sit through a debriefing in which this entire situation was blamed on the nursing staff. in the future, we will be looking forward to some "de-escalation training". i have the following things to say:

1. bitch please.
2. this is a hospital, not a department store. the 'customer is always right' rule does not apply here. not to mention the fact that YOU ARE NOT MY CUSTOMER. you are my customer's rude, classless family member who's barf i just had to scrape up off the floor. you're welcome for that, by the way.
3. i'm pretty sure i'm going to start strapping a shank to my ankle. can't be too careful these days.

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