Friday, March 9, 2012

full moon.

in 4 days we have had 3 rapid responses. 2 emergent transfers to the ICU. 1 unstable ED admit who rolled up drenched in blood, hypotensive after 5 liters of fluids. 1 very sick GSW patient with more tubes than holes to put them in. 1 patient who wanted to die so bad he nearly clawed off an extremity. 1 patient who almost passed out in the bathroom. A little old man who tried to punch us for putting an oxygen mask on. A different little old man who tried to hit the OT with his walker for making him get out of bed. the insanity is endless.

today i literally climbed in the shower with a patient to wash her hair. rivers of bloody water swirled around my feet as I combed out chunks of her scalp that were loose in her hair. then i helped scoop up a patient who passed out in the hall. ran back and forth for a half hour putting him on the monitor, bolusing, starting a heparin drip, trying to locate a doctor who had been a doctor for longer than 8 months to help us, etc. after we sent him to the ICU, I walked my patient who just happens to be one of our residents. after I dropped him off in his room, one of my coworkers approached me and asked me why I was walking arm and arm in the hall with Dr.___. this, people, is how rumors get started.

the night is over, and i'm {finally} off to bed.

until next time, moon.

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