so i just had the kind of shift where i got completely slaughtered. people were having seizures, new admits came with terrible pain issues, ICU patients transferred out that had only been off the vent for a few hours...that kind of thing. completely. slaughtered.
i had already accepted the fact that the night couldn't be salvaged, so my orientee and i just had to hold it together for an hour until the night nurses took over. we walked into our total cares trached/PEGed patient's room and what did i spy upon the floor but a bowl of kibbles and a water dish.
sadly i didn't blink an eye.
so i asked the patient's daughter the first question that came to mind. " that cat food?"
and she nonchalantly replied, "no, it's dog food".
i suddenly noticed the zipped shut black duffle on the chair that was squirming suspiciously.
"ok", i said.
and then i finished my cares and left.
things i don't have time to deal with:
1. dogs in duffle bags.
and that, friends, is a prime example of choosing your battles.