Wednesday, July 21, 2010

baby mamas

i don't refer to my job as 'trauma drama' for nothing. we had the perfect example of baby mama drama last week. one of my coworkers was running to grab a wheelchair for a discharge when she came upon two women screaming at each other. this in itself is pretty typical. usually I say, in my firm voice "you need to take it outside, this is a hospital", then turn around before i start laughing out loud. but this time, one of the ladies in question had a baby on her hip. things were getting pretty heated, and the two women were getting closer and closer to each other. the next thing you know, the women DROPPED THE BABY ON THE FLOOR and lunged at the other lady. my coworker was horrified, and ran to grab the baby who was about a year old and now, of course, screaming at the top of her lungs. as the two women ripped each other to shreds, one of the other kids in the crowd started to narrate and explain that her mom was hitting her stepdad's sister. enter more of my coworkers, who tried to explain that "when people are sick sometimes grownups can get really upset". yeah, that's a nice way to put things. eventually security meandered in and the next thing you know, the lady took her kids and left. seriously. did i mention that she DROPPED THE BABY ON THE FLOOR?!? and she walked away with her kids. needless to say, we were not too surprised when we came back from lunch and this same lady was screaming at another, completely different, women in the hallway. people have no class. what's even weirder: we eventually figured out that this women was the girlfriend of one of our new admissions. turns out that the other lady in the fight was our patient's sister. she was convinced that this women set up the robbery that caused her brother to get shot and then jump out of a 2 story window to escape the shooter. got all that? yeah, me neither.

i couldn't make this stuff up if i tried.

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