Friday, March 11, 2011

a day in the life

today was quintessential trauma drama. for the entire shift, i found myself scowling and holding back tears. now that i am home and halfway through a glass of wine, however, i can see the hilarity in many of the situations that made me think that i was (finally) going to lose my mind. here's the rundown.

1400: pick up patient named after pop icon. said patient insists on doing dances with his IV pole, repeatedly running into walls and nearly falling over. patient gets 8 beers a day. insists on calling my nursing student "the apprentice". immediately love said patient.

1700: patient's wife complains that bathroom is "filthy". bite back comments about not being able to control explosive diarrhea. scrub poopy bathroom with bleach wipes. try to smile like i mean it. rue the day i became a nurse.

1845: receive patient from ED. no report given. patient is 305 pounds and 5'6''. cannot get patient off cart. call more staff, almost drop patient on floor. call ED and ask if report was recorded. talk to developmentally delayed ED nurse who allegedly recorded report and yet can tell me nothing about patient. hold back angry rant against ED nurse and hang up.

2045: go into favorite pop icon patient's room and notice epidural is leaking. must have been from the dancing. call doctor, stop pump. answer 234235 million call lights. call different doctor for new pain meds. call doctor again for benadryl for another patient. stalk doctor in halls and get cough syrup for a third patient. take phone call from yet another doctor and am warned of the dangers of epidural hematoma with displaced epidural line. talk to pop icon about dangers, then feed him more beer. call yet ANOTHER doctor about new admission, as patient was admitted with weakness and all admitting orders say constipation. cry.

2100: go into chart of new admission and read note from ED RN. RN has written that i called for report and that it was clearly recorded in the system. complain to nurse manager. receive apology from ED. plot revenge.

2115: respond to screaming match from patient's room. listen to patient's gf yell "YOU WAS TRYIN TO KILL THE MOTHER OF YO BABY". watch security remove gf from room. observe as patient attempts to go after gf and then hits security with crutches as they try to hold him back. police arrive, listen to patient swear the whole thing never happened. go into room of patient next door and assure her she is not in danger.

2130: remember i am supposed to be holding a meeting for night shift nurses. have no time for meeting. feed nurses instead and continue to run around floor.

2200: pass meds. console crying patient that i have neglected for hours. drop meds on floor, and have to order new ones. hold down elderly woman for straight cath. try not to get bitten. listen to patient threaten nurse for taking away his crutches.

2300: finally begin to chart.

2330: listen to report from ED patient. incorrectly recorded. feel vindicated.

2345: punch out. contemplate self harm. consider winding up as patient on floor and reconsider. decide to drink wine and sob myself to sleep instead.

so here we are.

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