Wednesday, March 21, 2012

so i'm crabby, what of it?

things that irritated me today:

the transporter who tried to tell me that i didn't need a sheet under my patient to pull her across to the bed. he got a nice death glare and a steely "YES i do".

the nursing student who i overheard telling her classmates that "acute care is not her thing" and that she wants to do "as little patient care as possible". oh good, just what the profession needs, another administrator. another rule maker. another person who sits around and decides what hoops the people who actually DO THE WORK have to jump through.

the meeting that we had to sit through this afternoon, aka the monthly list of our sins. to recap: there are too many falls, too many 1:1 sitter cases, it's too loud, the hospital is not clean enough, and by the way the state is coming at any minute be prepared for an attack at any turn!! uplifting as always.

the fact that we are now being called into the manager's office to defend ourselves against accusations made by a patient who is known to have dementia and frequently rants on the topic of chickens. seriously? as much as i would love to lock you in a closet, or whatever the hell you're telling people that i did to you, i (unfortunately) still have a moral core that prevents me from doing so.

these are the things that i do not have time for.

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