Thursday, October 18, 2012

stay home and die

so i'm pretty much over people who like to be sick.

you don't want to take care of yourself?  fine.  don't.  but don't come to the hospital and make your problems mine.

seriously, i'm done bending over backwards for people who just don't give a damn.  from now on, i'm telling you what you need to do and why, and if you don't want to put forth any effort to, i don't know, LIVE, i'm not going to put any effort into you.

oh, so you're in the hospital for DKA and find it necessary to try and order about 20 carbs on your tray?  and you just happen to be 38 years old and up ad lib, yet somehow have a stage 3 pressure ulcer on your butt?  this completely baffles me.  and sure enough, despite the fact that this patient was unwilling to do a single thing to try and not die, she somehow wheedled her way into staying an entire weekend beyond when she should have been discharged.  and then, five minutes before she was set to go home she got "sudden" "10/10" "stabbing" chest pain.  that was "radiating down her left arm".  ok miss negative cardiac workup, you're gonna have to try again.  and after numerous sessions with the diabetes team, an hour going over discharge med instructions, and basically free insulin, guess who couldn't be bothered to go fill her insulin prescription?  that's right.

and do you know who couldn't be bothered to care?  me.  because if this lady wants to go home and suck down mountain dew all day until she's in a coma, who am i to stop her?

another patient, in for constipation but refusing meds.  refusing to get up and walk.  refusing to follow her diet.  intermittently refusing dialysis.  because "i know my body" and "you all are trying to keep me sick".

here's a thought: if you don't want to follow medical advice, DON'T BOTHER COMING TO A HOSPITAL.  if you think that we are trying to kill you at this hospital, go elsewhere.  PLEASE.

and despite the fact that we are all horrible people who treat this woman badly and are trying to make sure she doesn't get better so we can make money, she continues to return to our facility.  she comes in, refuses to do a thing we say, and then refuses to go home.  yes, that's right, she's on the phone with everyone from her sister to patient relations claiming that we are "unlawfully discharging her", despite the fact that she's not doing a single thing here that she couldn't be doing at home, namely ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  oh, and then when she finally did agree to leave, she walked herself down to the ER and checked herself in, because "they did nothing to fix my pain".

listen here bia.  you want to shoot up IV pain meds all day then sit like a lump in your bed and refuse laxatives and wonder why you look 5 months pregnant, do it on your own time.  i'll spend my time with people who would actually like to get better.

i'm going to start a new public service ad campaign, and it's going to be called 'stay home and die'.

bottom line:  do what it takes to get better in the hospital.  work with therapy.  take your meds.  follow your diet.  get better, go home, don't come back.  if you don't want to do any sort of work, or follow the advice of medical professionals, or you would just prefer to come to the hospital and make a sport of terrorizing the nursing staff and wallowing in learned helplessness STAY HOME AND DIE, and spare me the trouble of watching you ride the slow train to suicide.

this message brought to you by a nurse who's sick of your crap.