Saturday, December 10, 2011

there are dollar signs where our hearts should be.

my heart breaks a little today, as i just found out that my favorite trauma nurse clinician's position is being eliminated in february. frankly, i'm getting more than a little bit tired of working for an organization that obviously enjoys showing nurses just how little they are valued.

it's ok with "the man" that i am verbally threatened by my patient's family. in fact, it is actually MY fault.

it's ok that i have to walk a half mile in the dark/freezing cold past the mental institution to my car at night.

it's ok that we constantly work short, with equipment that doesn't function.

it's ok to take the best resource that we have as nurses (aka our trauma nurse) away from us. It's not like she's the only one on the service that knows what's going on...oh wait, SHE IS.

i think we should change the motto of the organization to {enter greedy hospital name here}: you are replaceable.

why on earth would the hospital eliminate the person who mediates between doctors and nurses and makes us see each other as people? why would they take away the individual who can build a relationship with even most soulless of patients? why would they get rid of the nurse who has the skills to see when there is something wrong with a patient and the power to actually DO something about it. i'll tell you why


that is the only reason. and that makes me sick.

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