Monday, April 21, 2014

easter sunday

the first time i heard screaming during the shift i worked on easter turned out to be some sort of prayer revival.  the second time was the pure hood antics that our unit is famous for.  

we were all minding our own business at shift change when we heard the following: "YOU DISRESPECTING ME (n-word, string of swearing).  THAT'S WHY YOU IN HERE, THAT'S WHY YOU GOT THOSE WOUNDS 'CAUSE YOU DISRESPECTING ME!!".  assuming that someone is about to get the beat down, we promptly called security.  we all gathered outside the door to hear what was going on, expecting this to be some sort of baby mama drama, etc.  much to my surprise, it turns out that the very upset visitor screaming at the patient was actually his mother.  apparently someone had a few too many drinkies at the easter barbecue and decided to come to the hospital for a nice visit totally sauced.  lovely.  

at this point she was crying hysterically and had to be removed from the room by security.  she was so obviously impaired that the officers asked her if she was taking any drugs.  she blamed the whole thing on being drunk, yelling "IT'S THE ALCOHOL!!  THE ALCOHOL MAKE YOU DO THINGS...IT MAKE YOU SAY THINGS!!" and continuing to be hysterical.  poor security took her outside to "get some air" and i thought she left.  about 20 minutes later i get a phone call.  apparently security had been sitting with this lady in the lobby the whole time, and was calling to ask when her daughter (her ride, who had so wisely driven her trashed mom to the hospital) was planning on leaving.  i went to the room and tried to tactfully ask the daughter when she was planning on heading out as her mom was "upset" (aka completely wasted).  after staring at me for a minute like i was stupid, she told me that she wasn't about to "waste her gas drivin all the way out here to be here 10 minute" and that her mom "gon have to wait".  then she proceeding to sit in the room for another 25 minutes until the security officer came back to the room to get her.    

1. don't bring your drunk mom to the hospital
2. seriously, you won't take her home?  aren't you embarrassed at all that security has been babysitting her for the past 45 minutes?
3. and on a holy day?  for shame.  

so the moral of the story the hard drinking for christmas.   or something.