Saturday, May 3, 2014

if you don't want to hear me vent you should skip this one.

hey management and associates, why don't you GET OUT OF MY LIFE.  

first of all, you are not even real nurses.  you have no idea what i go through, and could not do my job if you tried.  if you spent one day in my shoes, the tiny blackened piece of your soul that is left would shrivel up and die.


you don't know me.  you don't know my life.  

also, i could care less about your administrative BS, or some script you want me to read to introduce myself, or your opinions about how often i should be in my patient's rooms, or where i should give my report to the oncoming shift, or how i teach about medications, or your thoughts about how i should magically be able to infer how each of my patients would like to be treated.

i am tired of you looking over my shoulder.  i am tired of you following me around to listen to me parrot exactly what you want me to say like a good little soldier.  i am tired of forging my signature of one of your thousands of check off/audit sheets.

you. are. dead. to. me.

and here's looking at you, wanna-be floor nurse turned leadership team member!!  you are terrible.  how about you actually read the policies before you spread a bunch of misinformation about what they say?  too much to ask?  just so you know, i will not be following the ideas you pull from the air at a whim.  and when i call you on your stupidity and you have the audacity to suggest that i don't take good care of my patients?  you are lucky that the lord is working in my life and that i'm practicing controlling my tongue, because the wrath that i have for you is bottomless and when i sleep at night i dream about you getting hit by a bus.  what ever happened to clinical assessment skills?  to critical thinking?  to professional nursing judgement?  no, i'm just supposed to shut up and go along with your idiocy.  no thanks.

and you, terrible manager.  you bring nothing but pain and sadness and i am convinced that there is a small trap door in your office that you use to dump the bodies of the people who are "fired", aka disappear and are never seen or heard from again.  you have single-handedly destroyed my will to go on and have made a piece of my soul die.

and you may think that you have won, but I WILL NEVER GIVE IN.  because i have learned the secret, which is to stop caring about the opinions of people who don't understand you and whom you don't respect.  and also:

i just don't care anymore.  i will be fabulous at my job and i will take good care of my patients and i will do it on my own terms.  and you may be able to make me fall in line for awhile, but know that i think you are cold, empty, terrible human beings, and that i kind of hate your guts.  and what you think about me? :


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