Sunday, April 29, 2012

role reversal

so i'm going out with a friend and we call a cab (safety first, right?).  the cab pulls up, the door opens, and i am face to face with the cab driver.  a former patient.  


this patient has some very identifying features and i am POSITIVE that it's him.

perfed appy.  needed a drain.  liked popsicles.  had an odd roommate.  all sorts of random facts about him are running through my head, including the embarrassing call that i made to our central supply requesting an awkward medical device that he needed that i will be unable to discuss further due to the fact that the memory still traumatizes me.  

he doesn't seem to recognize me, which is good, because i'm staring at the little cab screen in front of him that is telling him my full name, address, and phone number.  the thought of any of my patients having all that personal information about me makes me slightly gaggy.  but what a double standard, you say!!  i know all about him and his medical info...which is undoubtably more personal than my address.  don't care, still creeps me out.  

so we're driving along, and i'm getting more and more anxious about this encounter.  is he going to say something?  i am DYING to say something, but my friend is in the cab and i think it would be inappropriate.  so i suffer in silence for twelve dollars and seventy five cents.

that was the first time that i ever saw a patient out in the real world, and it was very strange.  

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