Tuesday, May 29, 2012

try again.

so when you've been missing from the floor for five hours, i'm really not going to believe you when you tell me you were "just chillin in the parking structure".  as we have had security and management looking for you for the past two hours, i think that we can all agree that you are lying to my face.  so where were you?  oh, that's right, YOU WENT HOME.  with your dad and your aunt.  and it was very unfortunate for you when the car broke down in the middle of the monsoon thunderstorm apocalypse outside and you were stranded out in the rain.  because, you know, you're sick.  and, newsflash:  when you're sick enough to be in the hospital, you need to stay there.  like, until you're discharged.  what part of that is difficult?  did we really have to tell you that you can't just have your homeboys load you and your wheelchair up into the back of the truck and drive you around for awhile?  you still have a foley.  your neck is broken.  i'm not sure you're to be trusted with your IV out in the 'hood.   and the whole parking structure facade?  seriously?  LIE BETTER next time, or at least close your door when you tell your girlfriend about your fun joyride.  because I CAN HEAR YOU.  

thank you and goodnight. 

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