Friday, February 8, 2013

just when i thought i had seen it all...

so tell me, how do you keep a straight face:

...when your patient seriously wants you to ask the doctors to harvest sperm from her boyfriend who has been deceased for 2 days so she can get herself pregnant?

...and when you hear that they plan on burying said boyfriend in a flat brimmed baseball cap that says "NayNay love you boo boo"?

...or when her mother, in response to the sudden need for $600, states that they're going to get the money no matter what,  "even if we gotta go out there and sell booty"?

i.  i just.  i can't.  i just can't.  there are no words.  i can't even believe the things that i have heard out of this group's mouths this week.  i thought i had patients who were hood before.  but these folks...there is only one word, and it is ghetto.  they are just ghetto.  

they are nice people.  friendly and personable.  they aren't entitled, they aren't disruptive, they are supportive of the patient and help her with her cares.  they are respectful to me and i like them a lot.  

i was trying to settle the patient after her surgery one day and was literally tripping over babies in car seats, massive balloon bouquets, and giant stuffed teddy bears wearing baseball hats.  one of the patient's cousins looked at me, smiled, and said "you probably ain't never seen nothing like this before.  this ghetto".  i smiled back and told her that i've seen a lot of things.

and i have.    

but sperm requests, "selling booty",  and having to postpone PT because my patient is getting a full weave put in...

the cousin was right.  i AIN'T seen nothing like this before.  

1 comment:

  1. Pitch that as a show to MTV. Folks will watch it.
