Thursday, February 7, 2013

projectile vomit, DRAMZ, and the like.

there are no words.  but i'm sure i'll come up with something.

Monday: five patients, all high acuity.

1. GI bleeding Jehovah's witness, so no blood.  J tube meds and tube feeds.
2. TBI, total cares
3. skeletal traction s/p MVC,  having an MI
4. 80+ with ostomy, repos, feeder, oriented to self only (more total cares)
5. GSWs x8 with BLE fasciotomies and family drama

and i'm precepting and charge and we're down a nurse.



80+er projectile vomits like 3 feet off the bed with no warning whatsoever, taking probably about 10 years off my life.  i actually shrieked.  i never shriek.  it was emotionally scarring.

then the crazy "auntie" of my GSW proceeded to go on a rampage in the halls, yelling and screaming about how "these MFers expect me to sleep in a RECLINER CHAIR" into her cell phone because she is crazy and entitled.  come to find out that "auntie" is a. not related and b. not actually from out of town like she spent the last hour telling me.  the only reason she was so graciously provided with a room to sleep in at all was because she spun this sad story about being all the way from florida and coming to support her "niece"...well that and she threw a fit, which will pretty much get you whatever you want.  come to find out SHE IS FROM 5 MILES AWAY (yet is here with suitcase packed) and is freaking out because she invited her man friend to the hospital and they can't both sleep in the recliner chair.  the highlight of my night was watching security chase her (literally) off the floor.

i'm charge again, we're down a nurse and a tech.


more drama with the GSW....horrific bedside VAC change with about 32542390 family members and friends watching....keep in mind the leg is down to muscle and they're all just staring at it while trying to tell me how i need to do my job.  we have approximately 8 kids under the age of 10 in the room, including 1 crying baby and a three year old having some sort of coughing/URI issue.  the doctor finally had to ask that someone take the kid out of the room because exposed muscle was a little "mature" for her eyes.  i also found out that the body of the patient's BF (who was killed in her shooting) will be brought to the hospital in a few days and we will be pushing her in her bed to a room so she can say goodbye.  not the first time we've done this, probably not the last.  it's good for her, she needs closure, but will also be super hard and emotionally draining for everyone involved.

still charge.  precepting again.  jesus smiled on us and we're appropriately staffed (hallelujah!!).

it's one of those weeks where i'm kind of done, but will just have to suck it up.

so on to the next, may the rest of the week be better.

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