Wednesday, March 13, 2013

it's so hard when it doesn't come easy

'burnt out' came and went a long time ago.

and i could write for days about how all of my autonomy in my job is gone, and about how new "more efficient" ways of doing things are being forced upon me against my will, and how management has bled me dry over the past five years, but i'm not going to.

it doesn't matter.

i've tried fighting it, and it doesn't work.  speaking up, standing up for myself and my coworkers and trying to make my opinions heard has just made me frustrated and angry, and it has put a target on my back.  i've wasted too many emotions on this job, and i've cried all the way home too many nights.  i've sat in the manager's office twice in the past two weeks, and still can't seem to get my point across.

the unit is broken.  the nurses are on the edge of sanity.  morale is at an all-time low, and management is going to have to do better than emails scolding us like naughty children and admonishments to "see the glass as half full".

so what is the answer?

i think it's time to move on.  either somewhere that will appreciate me or somewhere that the staff stands up to idiocy.  seeing as how the list of other units that i think i could tolerate working on is verrrrrry short, that might not be a quick fix.

so until then, i'm getting back to basics.  i'm not doing charge.  i'm quitting my committee.  i won't be precepting after this semester.  i'm not doing any extra education unless i feel like it or it benefits me. and for once, i'm gonna do me.

that's right.

i'm going to be a normal floor nurse who busts her butt for her patients and then goes home and tries not to think about work.  i'm not going to sit here and make workflow powerpoints in my free time, or come to work early to put up bulletin boards, or make glittery posters as per management's request.  and i hope that they notice the difference, and i hope they feel the loss and i hope that it burns real bad and they see the error of their unappreciative ways.

and when they don't, i hope that the fact that i know the truth is enough, that doing MY REAL JOB is enough.

because, right now, doing anything besides that is just too much.


  1. I've been a nurse going on 3 years and I'm already burnt out. The nursing profession is going to hell in a hand basket. I feel like management just doesn't get the point, not only at my job, but it sounds like at yours too.
    I don't know what else to do but just do my job and go home.

  2. I really struggle with this, and it drives me crazy that someone who doesn't have to work on the unit gets to tell me exactly how to do my job like they have any idea or could do it themselves. I think that all we can do is make all of the management BS a lower priority than patient care. Do my job and go home...couldn't have said it better.
