Tuesday, August 21, 2012

what's below rock bottom?

she rolled her car four times before she got ejected from it.  she was ridiculously drunk, which is probably the only reason that every bone in her body wasn't broken.  she had a lot to drink away.  a lost job, an estranged child, a divorce...things that would make a person crazy one at a time were stacked one on top of the other until they became unbearable.  and if that wasn't enough, now she has the consequences of her actions to deal with.  now there is no car, and now she has a DUI, and now she is broken and without insurance to pay for her hospital bills.  but it gets worse, still.  on CT, they saw a mass.  identified as "cancer until proven otherwise", the 'otherwise' seeming unlikely as there are also spots on the liver.

can life really be this cruel?  

they haven't told her about the mass yet...she needs to sober up for that one.  and her sister came up to me in the hall in tears.  "she's hit rock bottom", is what she said to me.  she doesn't know that there's lower yet to go, that things can indeed actually get worse.  

and there is nothing to say.  no silver lining tonight.  it's not fair.  

it's just not fair. 

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