Saturday, January 5, 2013

nursing resolutions

DO EVERYTHING BETTER, the end.  just kidding.

without further ado, my nursing resolutions for 2013 are as follows:

  • be more patient and more kind.  I have a problem remembering that this yahoo patient in the bed giving me the runaround is not actually the same exact patient who said the same exact things last week until he finally gave in, did i what i said, got better and went home.  thus, i need to be patient and kind.  
  • care less about what other people think.  is my patient getting the best care?  am i doing what's right for them?  can i sleep like a baby when i go home at night?  these are the things that matter.
  • my patients are mine, everyone else can handle themselves until they ask my opinion.  see here.  enough said.  
  • advocate first, make friends later.  as much as i would love everyone to like me best (see bullet point 2), i'm going to butt heads with people, and usually people wearing long white coats.  if they think that i'm annoying, so be it. 
  • take time to learn something new.  
  • make time for the little things, they're what people remember and what make me feel like i'm making a difference.
  • put up with less nonsense.  i am a nurse, not a doormat, punching bag, or waitress who doesn't make tips.  
2013, i hold out high hopes for you.  do not disappoint me.  

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