Wednesday, September 5, 2012


hard to say what the high point of ridiculousness was today.  perhaps it was the man going through full blown DTs with the rude, condescending resident who thought that he didn't need to go to the ICU even though 10 mg of Ativan and 6 beers hadn't touched his full-body tremors and hallucinations.  or maybe it was the same resident, who said that the constant trickle of blood from the fresh neck dissection was just "skin level", and wasn't concerned that he was saturating gauze at an alarming rate.  oh, i could go on all day about how this particular resident is patronizing and a bit full of herself considering that she's been a doctor for all of two months.  and maybe she'll have a come to jesus moment when she realizes that those trauma nurses were onto something with the DTer (ICU-intubated-ativan drip...duh).  and maybe she'll realize not to bite the hand that feeds her...aka the hand that tells her exactly which orders to write, which patients she needs to see, and when she needs to ask for help.  THAT IS MY HAND.  and she'd better learn to recognize.  

but i digress.  believe it or not, none of these instances were the most ridiculous of the day.  that honor goes to the patient's visitor who came to the nurse's station because "i've missed three doses of my vicodin and i'm really getting uncomfortable".



he expected us to hand him vicodin. 

and the sad part is, i'm sure the gods of patient satisfaction will smite us for not running out to the nearest pharmacy to pick some up for him.  

and they wonder why we can't keep these people happy.


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