Sunday, April 7, 2013

you think you're cooler than me

every once in awhile we'll get a chief resident "on loan" from another hospital.  they rotate to us for a few months and then disappear, never to be seen or heard from again.  they're supposed to be coming to us for some great learning opportunity, but more often than not they just try to show us how superior they are to us.  this month's chief is no exception.

he's an jerk, plain and simple.

he'll walk away from you when you're asking him something.
he's rude to all of the nurses.
he's cold towards the patients and has a horrible bedside manner.
he's condescending and writes orders like "bathe patient".  bitch please, i KNOW YOU DID NOT just try to tell me i don't bathe my patients, mmmkay?

the other day one of my patients looked sick.  tachypnic, tachycardic to the 140s and had a temp of 102.  i followed him in the room and watched his two second "assessment" in which he didn't bother to introduce himself, stuck his stethoscope on the sore part of my patient's chest, and then ignored the patient when he said that it hurt.  he didn't acknowledge my presence at all, and on his way out of the room he tossed me a dismissive "he's fine" and turned off all of the lights to the room leaving me in the pitch dark wedged between the bed and the recliner.

the phrase 'nobody puts baby in the corner' comes to mind.

seriously.  rude.

he can take his attitude back to wherever he came from, and my condolences to the poor nurses who end up with him forever.

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