Sunday, June 30, 2013

and it always starts with someone naked and bleeding.

it started when i went to answer the call of my people, aka the bed alarm.  i was two steps behind another nurse, and we were equally surprised to find...well basically this:

but naked and bleeding from the chest tube that he had just pulled out.

so now sucking chest wounds equal panic time, so i grabbed gauze and my coworker tried to get the patient to sit back down.  we tried to get an occlusive dressing over the site and meanwhile he's swinging at us, screaming obscenities.  we wrestled him back into bed and it took four of us to get him in restraints, as i'm frantically paging for a monitor, security, the stat team, the doctor and everyone else you can think of.  so the guy looks creepy at baseline, but now he's breathing at 30+ breaths a minute and i'm getting scared that he's ready to go out.  so on went the O2 facemask, which only spun the patient up more.  so picture this little terrifying man, still naked, covered in old blood, cursing through his facemask and trying to claw and bite it off his face.

this is what i call a typical saturday night, sadly.

haldol is my friend, yes it is.  after 5mg IV he was more like this:

i can work with this.  believe it or not, the chest xray looked decent, so he bought himself a night with no "motherf*ing hose shoved in me you sons of bitches!!"  

and also a sitter and four point restraints, so there's that.

happy sunday!!  hallelujah.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm catching up on your old posts and this is BY FAR the funniest! HAHAHAHA
